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TOP Ragnarok Online (ROM)
For english speaker: This Section is dedicate for all types of donations, all the donations will be use for pay the host and the maintenance of the server. For every us$2 you will recibe one Ticket, that you can chanhe in the RO for customs items, like wings, auras, headgear. For info of customs prices send a mail to ..


Para hispanos:

Esta seccion esta dedicada a las donaciones que se recibiran de aquellos que quieran donar. El dinero recibido de donaciones sera directamente usado para el pago del host, que es 25 us$ mensuales. Cuanto mas donaciones mejores funcionara el server, porque se podra mejorar la velocidad de la banda, etc.




Every item(No Donation) = us$ 2

Donation Item = us$10

5000 Mithril Coins = us$3




Donation items (Some items)

Donation Via SMS



Western Union

Mandeme un mail con sus datos (nombre y apellido, pais, cantidad enviada. ) a mi mail, sino no sabre que retirar.

Enviar con los siguientes datos:

Nombre y Apellido: Adriana Beatriz Gavino

DNI: 14952993


Direccion: Amenabar 2753 3°A.

Pais: Argentina, Buenos Aires.




 Donations with paypal:



Terms of Donations By submitting donations you agree to the following. The ReckoningRO group is a group of Ragnarok Online fans that have decided to unite to permit all the people to know this game, without paying anything, but we accept donations. Donations help the server in all ways. It allows us to maintain and upgrade the server throughout the existance of ReckoningRO. We offer gifts to those who donate to us. If you would like to donate, there are multiple methods. Scroll down further to view. Gifts as nonreciprocal, voluntary transfers of assets from private organizations, individuals, or others to ReckoningRO. Donations as monies and materials given by private persons and organizations to ReckoningRO without receiving anything in exchange. The term donation is used interchangeably with the term gift throughout this document. Upon donating, you agree that you are NOT entitled to receive any compensation in lieu of the donation you made, but instead, rewarded with a virtual gift, for your generosity. In the event that you donate you must agree that: 1. You are not purchasing time, services, or goods. 2. Used credit card or the bank account would used you effect the donation MUST belong you or to a direct relative, father, mother, brothers, husband or wife. 3. If your account is terminated for any reason, you are not entitled to a reimbursement. 4. Donation gifts will not be replaced if lost, stolen, or dropped in game. Except during Wipes. ReckoningRO maintains a list of every donated item and its especific owner. 5. Anything beyond the server cost will be used to compensate gamemasters based on how much work they perform and the complexity of the work. Those do not agree with this do not need to donate. But, it is fair we tell you. 6. ReckoningRO reserves the right to modify this agreement without prior notice.




GM Niko



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Invitados: 1
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ReckoningRO © 2025
Potenciado por uCoz